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Unlock growth potential hidden in your Data
without hiring Data Analysts

Get personalized Dashboards to get business insights

dashboard m3

Answer key business questions with unified data
from marketing channels, web analytics & CRM

funnel red
funnel red m

ConnectFind CAC for campaigns & Channels

ConnectFind LTV of different channels

ConnectBrand strength changes over a time period

ConnectFind return on ad spend for campaigns and channels

ConnectFind out what offers acquire high value customers

ConnectIdentify products attracting high value customers

ConnectKnow the engagement level your visitors

ConnectShopping stage funnel of brand campaigns

Dashboards & reports we build

E-commerce overall performance

E-commerce - All segments

Channel wise ROAS

E-commerce - All segments

Repeat customer analysis

E-commerce - Cosmetics

Product performance overview

E-commerce - All segments

Channelwise - Cost per lead

B2C Lead Generation

Customer segmentation insights

E-commerce - Fashion

RTO insights

E-commerce - Apparel

Brand impact monitoring

E-commerce - Fashion,Cosmetics

Search keyword performance


Customer journey funnel

B2C Lead Generation

Maximize ROI + Crack More Sales = Happier you ?

We draw learnings from our Experience of managing 100s of crores of ad spends for leading brands like Urbanclap, Grofers, NIIT, Amity etc. to help you identify gaps & opportunity in your current advertising strategy & execution.

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Amity 01
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“We were looking back over the past year, and looking for the single event that changed the course of our paid efforts. Without question it was the day we took this ad strategy session.”


Process we follow

1. Two audit calls to evaluate data readiness & understand growth goals
2. Recommend dashboards + reports based on growth objectives
3. We build dashboards + reports on a platform of your choice - Google sheets/Data Studio/Tablaeu/Power BI
4. Training sessions with your marketing team on how to use these dashboards and reports

Advanced analytics with Data models

Marketing Attribution

Last click & first click, last non-direct etc

Customer Cohorts

Cost per Acquisition & LTV Month Wise Cohorts

Customer Segments

Month on Month Movement of - VIP, Dormant, Active, Soon To Churn

Book A Demo